Abstract: Background: Saliva, the most readily available body fluid, is the product of genes which\nare in constant activity throughout life. Measurement of saliva can predict the onset of some diseases\nyears before their accumulation in vulnerable tissues causes clinical signs to appear. The purpose of\nthis study was is to demonstrate current applications of saliva analysis and to predict and prevent\ndisease progression. Methods: We measured levels of Abeta42, C-reactive proteins (CRPs), and\ntumornecrosis factors (TNFs) in saliva from both healthy and fatal diseased cases such as cancer,\nAlzheimerâ??s disease (AD), and coronary heart disease by ELISA-mediated techniques. We also\nimmunostained human tissue sections with antibodies specific to these proteins to demonstrate the\ndata are comparable. Results: We found all the proteins expressed constantly in saliva from healthy\ncontrols but increased in diseased cases. This was accompanied by data from immunohistochemistry.\nIt was also found that these proteins wereexpressed in high amounts in some healthy controls, which\nreflects high risk for the onset of diseases such as AD and heart diseases.Conclusions: It is concluded\nthat measuring changes in essential gene products in saliva can predict onset of fatal diseases and\nopen the door to effective protection measures, thus preventing premature death.